Increase Your Understanding
Seminary is not just for scholars. Redemption opens seminary up to regular people who have questions and perhaps are insecure with approaching or applying various theological topics in their life. You don’t have to be a theologian or a scholar to learn at Redemption Seminary, we will help you become one at your own pace. Redemption Seminary is here to help you gain confidence in your study of the Bible and your ministry to others.
Leverage Your Mature Mind
The deep waters of Christian love provide prospective that is extremely difficult to foster within a classroom or a curriculum. Adult Christians should not underestimate the value of their Christian life experience. Adult Christian’s have a mature mind that they can leverage to learn and apply theology in profound ways. Redemption Seminary provides the resources, lectures, and guidance necessary to advance your understanding of the Bible and church history, interpret the Bible more accurately, and grow personally. You provide the context, perspective, and experience to apply this learning to those around you. Your experience as an adult in the faith has qualified you to pursue theological study that yields wisdom for your life.
Grow in Wisdom
For seminary graduates to be effective in their gifting, calling, and service to others, they must use their unique, God-given talents, interests, and passions. Seminary is not about forming students into identical replicas of some ideal. It is about becoming a better-informed version of yourself. Wisdom is the intelligent and diverse application of the unifying love of the single Spirit, Lord, and gospel. This is one reason why you choose your mentor each course. The Spirit’s personal leading and direction for your life should inform the structures that promote your growth. You decide when you want to be mentored by someone who shares your theological framework. Or you can choose a mentor to explore approaches to doctrine from someone with a different background. In any case, your previous knowledge and experience direct your success, not your similarity or shared opinions with your mentor.
Know What to Say
Think about how it will feel to be the one who knows how to find the answers to questions about the Bible, life, relationships, habits, and spiritual growth. People are already looking to you—Redemption Seminary can provide the personal support and training you need to help them.