Without cost or registration, enjoy these streaming lectures and short studies, provided to increase your understanding and introduce you to the type of coursework included at Redemption Seminary. Take a look at the master’s programs with streaming courses that include lectures, studies, and application questions like these.
Your life experience allows you to enroll without an undergraduate degree. You can earn your master’s degree in biblical studies from home affordably and keep the research library that you learned to use.
Theological Studies & Lectures
(Come back to check for new theological studies and lectures.)
Dr. Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield delivered this address at the Autumn Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary, on October 4, 1911. Although it is over 100 years old and meant for young men pursuing the pastorate, there remains much that anyone in ministry service should consider for themself today.
Dr. Vincent Nkwambi produced a wonderful lecture and tool (called a Workflow in Logos) for meditating on the Lord’s word. The tool is a free download in Logos and he shows you how to download it.
The apostle John talks about “the world” in dramatically different ways. In John 3:16 we read that “God so loved the world…” but in his first epistle, John tells us “not to love the world or anything in the world.” How should we understand this and how does it influence our understanding of our attitudes toward pleasure? Dr. Gary Thomas presents a lecture on this topic. Redemption Seminary uses lecture content like this to produce studies that are the building blocks for its courses. Work through this short study and see if it helps with your daily growth in grace and understanding of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dr. Ben Witherington III defines and explains what spiritual formation is. He explains how the NT suggests that spiritual formation is not really a separate activity so much as something integrated into the normal Christian life on a daily basis.
Working through graduate-level coursework takes time and commitment. Even though Redemption Seminary takes most of the financial risk out of attending seminary, is it worth the time and effort? or are there other risks to consider? Dr. John Schwandt explores answers to some of the most common and important questions people have when thinking about Redemption Seminary.
What you find in Barth is one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century. Even today, theologians are engaging with aspects of Karl Barth’s thought. This is an executive summary of his achievements and theological contributions in an era of world wars.
Dr. Douglas Moo explains three general approaches to understanding the Kingdom of God and its relationship to eschatology in the New Testament. This lecture is part of Redemption's Seminary's course on New Testament theology.
Elyse Fitzpatrick takes us through a case study involving a homeschooling mother of five who has faithfully worked to educate her children and train them for the Lord. But the unthinkable has just happened. We will call her Madeline and her eldest daughter, who is 17, is pregnant. Madeline is crushed when she discovers that Hannah has been living a double life.
Elyse Fitzpatrick provides insights for helping people in situations like these overcome their shame and despondence by using gospel truths of forgiveness, belovedness, and adoption.
In this lesson Dr. Moo explains how a Greek word in Romans 12:1 can help with "Worship Wars" in the church.
The book of Proverbs is a summary of wisdom. However, gaining wisdom from this book can be a daunting or confusing task. In this lesson Dr. Waltke provides concrete instruction for interpreting Proverbs.
The real work of theology is indeed farming. The purpose of Scripture and its interpretation is to grow healthy disciples who understand what God has done in Christ and desire to live along the grain of the created order made new in Christ. Theology is about eschatologically-enhanced farming—reaping the firstfruit of eternal life in the power of the Spirit.
Luther elevated marriage and family life; in one scholar’s words, he “placed the home at the center of the universe.” His teaching and practice were so radical, so long-lasting, some scholars have argued that other than the church “the home was the only sphere of life which the Reformation profoundly affected.”
The objective of this short study is to learn the significance of Jesus’ favorite title for himself, Son of Man. Dr. Moo provides an explanation the meaning of this phrase in Dan 7 and the significance of Jesus’ application of that vision to Himself.
After watching this lecture and working through two short additional readings, you can experience the effect this understanding can have on your interpretation of this phrase wherever it is used in the New Testament.
See what C.S. Lewis, Bonhoeffer, and others say about building community in this excerpt from a Redemption Seminary course. Every Redemption lesson is divided into short sensible steps. Your first step is watching a short lecture (typically less than 10 minutes).
This 30-Minute Redemption Seminary study provides teaching and tools to discern and confirm your spiritual gifting with an often neglected way of considering the topic. This short study includes some Logos Bible Software training and a free Logos Mobile Ed lecture. It also provides a glimpse into ways Redemption Seminary structures its lessons and courses to provide an innovative approach to self-paced, affordable, adult education.
Redemption Seminary Biblical Studies Package

Value of included resources: Over $23,500
Total Resources: Over 1,300
Library: 25+ Mobile Ed courses and 825+ digital books including The New American Commentary Series (42 vols.), Pillar Commentary Series (15 vols.), United Bible Society Handbooks (77 vols.), and, more
All required texts and readings for the Redemption Seminary Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree
Features: Current Version of Logos Full Feature Upgrade, Theology Guide, Canvas, Workflow Editor, and other features.
Downloads: Unlimited. Install this Logos library on as many devices as you like.
Celebrate and reflect on the Christmas message with this devotional from Luke 2:40.