Learning Tracks

Non-Graded Courses

Individual non-graded courses are available for people who want access to all the guided learning materials at Redemption Seminary to learn on their own without grading or mentoring. Redemption provides access to all course lectures, course curricula, required readings, and the reference library. Since these courses have the same content as the master’s program courses, students who later enroll in a certificate or degree program may use their work and have it graded.

Students who want to take non-graded courses still must apply to acknowledge the seminary’s statement of faith and code of conduct but don’t have to submit educational materials such as transcripts. The non-graded course application fee is necessary to cover the initial account and resource setup.

Certificate Program in Biblical Studies

The certificate program is composed of one self-paced preparatory course and three mentored courses. This certificate program is a good choice for people who are interested in a smaller program than the full master’s degree. If accepted to matriculate in the master’s program, all courses in the certificate program directly transfer into the master’s program. This means you only have seven courses remaining to complete your master’s degree and receive the Logos library as a gift to keep.

Another option for continued study after the certificate is to audit additional courses.

Certificate Program Course List

Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders
(Lecture recordings by Dr. Justin Irving)

Old Testament Theology
(Lecture recordings by Dr. Bruce Waltke)

New Testament Theology
(Lecture recordings by Dr. Douglas Moo)


9 credits

  • 3 courses

  • Approximate Time to complete:

    • Moderate pace: One year (one course per semester)

    • Accelerated pace: Shorter than a year (more than one course per semester)

    • Extended pace: 18 Months

Program Learning Outcomes

The mission connections provide the groundwork for the program outcomes that address the contents within the limited field of study for the certificate program, which focuses on personal spiritual formation and the theology of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. In this program, students apply this focus to their relationships with the Lord, others, and their calling.

By completing the Certificate in Biblical Studies, students will:

  • Analyze key concepts in Old and New Testament theology. (Cognitive Focus -


  • Adapt principles learned in Old and New Testament Theology to their ministry context.

    (Behavioral Focus - Skills and Habits in Relationships)

  • Examine their dispositions and affections in relation to the Lord, others, and their

    calling. (Affective Focus - Attitudes and Values)

Master’s Degree Program Options

Redemption Seminary currently offers one degree program, a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. It is composed of 10 mentored courses that provide a well-rounded graduate-level theological degree. At this time, there are select states where Redemption is waiting to receive authorization or a religious exemption to provide services. If you are a resident of a state where the degree is not yet offered, your application fee will be refunded.

Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MABS)

This degree is the core of various programs at Redemption Seminary. It is a well-rounded master’s level program that focuses on personal spiritual development so that you can approach the Bible and others with greater wisdom and self-awareness.

Individual courses help hone your exegetical and interpretive skills as you examine the Bible, its historical context, theology, and Church history. When you are ready to complete each course, you register for weekly meetings with a mentor-professor of your choice, who will help you apply what you learn to life and ministry. Lectures are recordings delivered by a collection of well-known scholars through Logos Mobile Education recorded courses. (Feel free to search the internet for their names to see where they have taught or currently teach). This program concludes with a directed study that helps you produce a written work that advances your calling and current ministry efforts.


  • 36 credits

  • Approximate Time to complete:

    • Moderate pace: Two years (one course per term)

    • Accelerated pace: One year (two courses per term)

    • Extended pace: Five years (two courses per year), or longer

  • Key benefits

    • Personal spiritual development

    • Understanding the content and theology of the Bible

    • Understanding Church history and how to apply theology in context

Program Course List:

All content from lecture-professors is recorded material within Logos Mobile Mobile Education courses. Lecture-professors are not part of the Redemption Seminary Faculty. See Redemption Seminary’s Faculty Page for more information.

Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders
(Dr. Justin Irving teaching recorded course lectures)

Old Testament Theology
(Dr. Bruce Waltke teaching recorded course lectures)

New Testament Theology
(Dr. Douglas Moo teaching recorded course lectures)

Biblical Interpretation
(Dr. Kevin VanHoozer and Dr. Michael Heiser teaching recorded course lectures)

Theology of God and the Creation
(Dr. Peter Leithart, Dr. Ronn Johnson, Dr. Carl Sanders, Dr. Joseph Pipa, Dr. Mark Futato, Dr. John Collins, Dr. Tremper Longman, and Dr. John Walton teaching recorded course lectures)

Theology of God and Redemption
(Dr. Ronn Johnson, Dr. Carl Sanders, Dr. D. A. Carson, Dr. Michael Bird, and others teaching recorded course lectures)

(Dr. Frank Cardoza and Dr. Daniel Doriani teaching recorded course lectures)

Church History
(Dr. Frank James teaching recorded course lectures)

Theology in Culture and Context
(Dr. John Frame and Dr. John Fuder teaching recorded course lectures)

Applied Biblical Studies
(Dr. Richard Newton and others teaching recorded course lectures)

Program Learning Outcomes

These mission connections provide the groundwork for the program outcomes that address the contents within the field of study, students’ relationships to the Lord, others, and their calling, and students’ self-awareness and orientation to these relationships.

By completing the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, students will:

  • Analyze key concepts and events in the field of biblical studies. (Cognitive Focus -


  • Adapt principles learned in biblical studies to their ministry context. (Behavioral Focus -

    Skills and Habits in Horizontal Relationships)

  • Evaluate and continue to develop their spiritual relationship with Jesus. (Behavioral

    Focus - Skills and Habits in Vertical Relationships)

  • Integrate self-awareness of their dispositions and affections in their relationships with

    the Lord, others, and their calling. (Affective Focus - Attitudes and Values)