Access to Logos Software & Library
Instead of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for textbooks, you get immediate access to over twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars ($23,500) in digital books and software resources (over 1,300 resources). Logos Bible Software and Redemption Seminary’s custom digital library for biblical studies is available to you as soon as you enroll. This access includes all Logos Mobile Education courses in the Master’s of Biblical Studies program. After you enroll, you can start watching courses and using the full power of this library with the first non-mentored course.
Logos MAX for Students
While enrolled in Redemption Seminary, students are provided with Logos MAX benefits, a $200 per year value. This benefit ensures that all students enjoy the best features of Logos and can receive similar training.
Library for Life
Since we want every graduate of the master’s program to maintain their effectiveness and continue growing after graduation, the seminary gives graduates (of the master’s program) a robust custom Logos reference library as a graduation gift. We also provide ways for auditor members and students who complete the certificate program to maintain access to the resources or purchase them at a discount through Redemption.
Updates to Library Content
Redemption Seminary will update the contents of the Redemption Library from time to time without notice. A common reason for an update is a change in course curricula that requires a resource not currently in the library. Redemption will provide this resource in such a situation. It may also remove resources that are not required in the curriculum. These changes will only affect those who are currently enjoying access to the library as students or auditors. They will also determine what Redemption provides as a graduation gift. These changes will not affect library content that has been previously gifted. In order to maximize the usefulness of the library to students, Redemption may create different custom libraries for different programs. It may also include materials that are “access only” while enrolled and not part of the gift for graduating master's program students. The description below describes the current content of the master’s program graduation gift.
Updates to Logos
Logos packages have three parts.
Library of Resources (books and course videos)
Software Platform (version level)
The first two parts of the Redemption library are fixed and defined by the contents of the custom Redemption MABS library. These do not change with new releases or updates from Logos. Redemption ensures that the scholarly features required to work through the courses are contained within the Redemption custom library regardless of new releases from Logos.
The software platform does change with regular updates from Logos. Logos has always provided free updates to its software platform to its customers.
For these reasons, Redemption does not upgrade student libraries to future versions. Students are eligible for the Logos Academic Discount program and can add resources and features to their library at their discretion.
Redemption Seminary Biblical Studies Package
Value of included resources: Over $23,500
Total Resources: Over 1,300
Library: 25+ Mobile Ed courses and 825+ digital books including The New American Commentary Series (42 vols.), Pillar Commentary Series (15 vols.), United Bible Society Handbooks (77 vols.), and, more
All required texts, readings, and features for the Redemption Seminary Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree
Downloads: Unlimited. Install this Logos library on as many devices as you like.
Library Highlights
United Bible Society Handbook Series
Old & New Testament Collection (77 vols.)
The UBS Handbooks are detailed commentaries providing valuable exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on each book of the Bible. They were prepared originally to assist Bible translators, but have proven to be an invaluable and time tested aid for those seeking to understand textual meanings that are the sources for our translations. This series works through the whole Bible verse by verse.
New American Commentary
(43 Volumes)
Pillar New Testament Commentaries (15 Volumes)
Systematic Theology
Wayne Grudem
Mobile Ed:
New Testament Theology
Tyndale Bulletin
(Updated to
66 Volumes)
Tyndale Commentaries
(60 Volumes)
Redemption Biblical Studies Library Details
Logos Mobile Education Biblical Studies Bundle
The following recorded Logos Mobile Education courses ($4,350 value) are included as the lecture component of MABS program courses.
Mobile Ed: Logos Academic Training Bundle (4 courses)
Mobile Ed: LD102 The Ministry Leader and the Inner Life (11 hour course, Justin Irving)
Mobile Ed: OT300 Old Testament Theology (16 hour course, Bruce Waltke)
Mobile Ed: NT305 New Testament Theology (12 hour course, Douglas Moo)
Mobile Ed: BI101 Introducing Biblical Interpretation: Contexts and Resources (5 hour course, Michael Heiser)
Mobile Ed: TH325 Theological Interpretation of Scripture in the Church (5 hour course, Kevin Vanhoozer)
Mobile Ed: BI162 Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II (3 hour course, Michael Heiser)
Mobile Ed TH215 Trinitarian Theology (3 hour course, Peter Leithart)
Mobile Ed: TH102 Introducing Bible Doctrine II: The Triune God and His Heavenly Host (6 hour course, Ronn Johnson, Carl Sanders)
Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course, Joseph Pipa, Mark Futato, John Collins, Tremper Longman, John Walton)
Mobile Ed: TH111 Doctrine of God and Creation: A Reformed Perspective (9 hour course, Michael Allen)
Mobile ED TH113 Doctrine of Salvation and Eschatology: A Reformed Perspective (9 hour course, Michael Allen)
Mobile Ed: TH351 Perspectives on Justification by Faith: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (4 hour course, D.A. Carson, Edith Humphrey, Scott Hahn, Matthew Bates, Michael Bird)
Mobile Ed: ED205 Discipleship in History and Practice (10 hour course, Frederick Cardoza)
Mobile Ed: PC151 Theology of Everyday Life (5 hour course, Daniel Doriani)
Mobile Ed: CH101 Church History: Obscurity to Christendom (6 hour course, Frank James)
Mobile Ed: CH102 Church History: Reformation to Postmodernism (7 hour course, Frank James)
Mobile Ed: CS101 Biblical Worldview and Critical Thinking (4 hour course, John Frame)
Mobile Ed: MI301 Community Analysis: Exegeting Culture for Missions (5 hour course, John Fuder)
Mobile Ed: ED321 An Introduction to Writing Well (1.5 hour course, Richard Newton)
Mobile Ed: ED322 Teaching and Advancing an Argument (1.5 hour course, Richard Newton)
Mobile Ed: ED323 Refinishing Your Writing: Conclusions and Revisions (1.5 hour course, Richard Newton)
Mobile Ed: Interactive Greek Alphabet Course (Interactive Course, John Schwandt)
Mobile Ed: Interactive Hebrew Alphabet Course (Interactive Course, Mark Futato)
825+ Volume Theological Library
The Redemption’s custom digital library for biblical studies is an amazing reference library that includes all of the required textbooks for every course in the program. Take a look at the vast library you get to use and keep when you graduate. The contents of this library are so good that you could this list as a recommended shopping list. But once you think about getting all of the resources and software upgrades included within your tuition, you may end up paying less by enrolling in the MABS program. This has the added benefit of providing a structured program that shows you how to make the most of this library.
English Bibles
Lexham English Bible (with Audio and Reverse Interlinear)
Lexham English Septuagint (with Reverse Interlinear and alternate texts)
King James Version (with Reverse Interlinear)
New King James Version (with Apocrypha and Reverse Interlinear)
Christian Standard Bible (with Reverse Interlinear)
English Standard Version (with Audio and Reverse Interlinear)
New International Version (with Reverse Interlinear)
New Living Translation (with Reverse Interlinear)
Use these to see how scholars interpret the Bible verse by verse.Whole Bible Commentaries
The United Bible Society Handbook Series + Upgrade (77 vols.—$799.99)
The New American Commentary Series (43 vols.—$549.99)
Tyndale Commentaries (60 vols.—$279.99)
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Unabridged Commentary on the Old and New Testaments (6 vols.—$49.99)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 vols.—$49.99)
Faithlife Study Bible (6 vols.—$64.99)
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (Browne, Canne, Torrey, Scott, Blayney—$14.99)
New Testament Commentaries
Pillar New Testament Commentary Series (15 vols.—$499.99)
Lexham Research Commentaries: New Testament (14 vols.—$574.99)
Biblical Commentary on the New Testament (6 vols.—$29.99)
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, 2nd ed. (Keener—$31.99)
Lexham Geographic Commentaries on Acts through Revelation ($39.99)
Old Testament Commentaries
Lexham Research Commentary: Genesis (2 vols.—$129.99)
Lexham Research Commentary: Jonah ($39.99)
New International Commentary on the Old Testament: Genesis (2 vols.—$89.99)
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (Walton, Chavalas, Matthews—$31.99)
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament (10 vols.—$49.99)
Journals & Periodicals
Use these to see how current scholars interpret the Bible and discuss theology and history.Tyndale Bulletin (66 vols. 1956-2015—$523.99)
Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (22 vols. 1996-2017—$83.99)
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (84 issues, 21 vols. 1997-2017 —$144.99)
Themelios 1-43, D.A. Carson (128 issues, 43 vols. 1975-2018—$221.99)
Christian History Magazine (125 vols. 1982-2018—$185.99)
Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Use these to learn about words, people, places, and events in the Bible.Structured by English Words
Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (6 vols.—$269.99)
The IVP Bible Dictionary Series (8 vols.—$249.99)
Lexham Bible Dictionary ($149.99)
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (4 vols.—$139.99)
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (4 vols.—$129.99)
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary ($26.99)
Tyndale Bible Dictionary ($26.99)
Original Language Thesaurus Structured by English Concepts
Lexham Theological Wordbook (Mangum, Brown, Kippenstein—$69.99)
Theology Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Use these to learn about theological words, influential figures and events.Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (Vanhoozer—$64.99)
New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (13 vols.—$44.99)
Biblical Theology Focus
Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology 3rd ed. (Elwell—$59.99)
New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Alexander, Rosner, Carson, Goldsworthy—$49.99)
Dictionary of Bible Themes (Manser—$37.99)
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery (Duriez, Reid, Penney, Wilhoit, Ryken, Longman—$44.99)
Theological Terms
Dictionary of Theological Terms (Cairns—$44.99)
Lexham Glossary of Theology (Mangum—$7.99)
Topical Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Use these to learn about concepts, people, and events within specific theological disciplines.The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, rev. ed. (Livingstone, Cross—$134.99)
Dictionary of Christianity in America (Reid, Linder, Shelley, Stout—$40.99)
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines (Smith, Wace 4 vols.—$34.99)
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions (Moreau—$54.99)
Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics (N. Geisler—$54.99)
Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Education (Eldridge, Benson, Gorman, Anthony—$49.99)
Baker’s Dictionary of Practical Theology (Turnbull—$24.99)
Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, 2nd. ed. (Benner, Hill—$59.99)
Systematic Theology Textbooks
Use these to find explanations of doctrines and theological positions.Grudem’s Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Wayne Grudem—$39.99)
Frame’s Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (John Frame—$39.99)
Thiselton’s Systematic Theology (Anthony Thiselton—$40.00)
Hodge’s Systematic Theology (3 vols. Charles Hodge—$24.99)
Strong’s Systematic Theology (3 vols. Augustus Strong—$19.99)
Berkhof’s Systematic Theology (Louis Berkhof—$14.99)
Compendium of Christian Theology, 2nd ed. (3 vols. William Pope—$19.99)
Concise Theology (J.I. Packer—$13.99)
Biblical Theology and Studies
Use these to learn authorial intentions and literary meaning of the Bible.Whole Bible
The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology (Charles Scobie—$43.99)
Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible (Brevard Childs—$29.99)
New Testament Focus
The New Testament and the People of God (N.T. Wright—$25.99)
New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ (Thomas Schreiner—$49.99)
Biblical Theology of the New Testament (Charles Ryrie—$14.99)
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey, 2nd ed. (Craig Blomberg—$32.99)
The Saving Righteousness of God (Michael Bird—$26.99)
Old Testament Focus
An Old Testament Theology (Bruce Waltke, Charles Yu—$47.99)
John Goldingay's Old Testament Theology (3 vols. John Goldingay—$98.99)
Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God’s Address (Bartholomew, Beldman—$31.99)
Dominion and Dynasty: A Biblical Theology of the Hebrew Bible (Stephen Dempster—$21.99)
Interpretation and Exegesis
Use these to learn principles and methods for interpreting the Bible.Lexham Methods Series (4 vols.—$99.99)
Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends (Vanhoozer, Anderson, Sleasman—$24.99)
Faith Speaking Understanding: Performing the Drama of Doctrine (Kevin Vanhoozer—$25.99)
Introducing Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Recovering a Christian Practice (Daniel Treier—$21.99)
Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation, 2nd ed. (Joel Green—$27.99)
Interpreting the New Testament (Black, Dockery—$21.99)
Basic Bible Interpretation (Roy Zuck—$18.99)
How to Study the Bible (Richard Mayhue—$10.99)
The Hermeneutical Spiral (Grant Osborne—$19.99)
Exegetical Fallacies, 2nd ed. (D.A. Carson—$16.99)
Theology and Doctrine
Use these to learn about the theological positions of specific scholars.The Theological Correspondence of John Frame (John Frame—$49.99)
Christian Theology (Clarke, Dunn—$12.49)
Justification: Five Views (Beilby, Eddy—$17.99)
The Reconciling Wisdom of God: Reframing the Doctrine of the Atonement (Adam Johnson—$11.99)
Themelios 1-39 (117 issues, D.A.Carson—$219.99)
*also listed under Journals & Periodicals
Historical Theology
Use these to learn historical theological positions.Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition (37 vols.—$99.99)
Apostolic Fathers in Greek and English (Kirsopp Lake; Rick Brannan—$12.99)
The Works of Josephus (Whiston, Josephus—$19.99)
The Creeds of Christendom (3 vols. Philip Schaff—$35.99)
Historic Creeds and Confessions (Rick Brannan—$4.99)
J. N. D. Kelly’s Early Christian Doctrines and Creeds (2 vols. J.N.D. Kelly—$55.99)
The Fundamentals (R.A.Torrey—$19.99)
Use these to learn the history of how the church developed.History of the Christian Church (8 vols. Schaff—$49.99)
Introduction to the History of Christianity, 3rd ed. (Tim Dowley—$49.99)
Church History in Plain Language (Bruce Shelley—$27.99)
Jesus outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence (Robert Van Voorst—$25.99)
A History of the Church: From Pentecost to Present (James North—$24.99)
Christian History Magazine (122 vols.—$179.98)
*also listed under Journals & Periodicals
Ministry, Leadership, & Discipleship
Use these to learn principles and methods for leading and ministering to others.Learning To Lead: Bringing Out the Best in People (Fred Smith—$10.99)
5 Things Anyone Can Do to Lead Effectively (Phil Stevenson—$7.99)
Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church (Soong-Chan Rah—$12.99)
The Big Book on Small Groups (Arnold, Black—$13.99)
Foundations for Christian Education (Daniel, Wade—$22.99)
Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches that Make Disciples (Jim Putman—$15.99)
Spiritual Growth & Counseling
Use these to learn principles and methods to help your own spiritual growth.Spiritual Growth (A.W. Pink—$7.49)
Prayer is Invading the Impossible (Jack Hayford—$6.99)
A Treatise concerning Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards—$7.49)
Leading from the Inside Out: The Art of Self-Leadership (Samuel Rima—$24.99)
Surviving and Thriving in Seminary (Zacharias, Forrest—$12.99)
Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, 2nd. ed. (Benner, Hill—$59.99) *also listed under topical dictionaries
Introduction to Psychology and Counseling: Christian Perspectives and Applications, 2nd ed. (Meier, Minirth, Wichern, Ratcliff—$39.99)
Use these as material for your regular personal devotions.Mobile Ed: Reflecting on the Word: Video Devotionals (Year A—$49.99)
Morning and Evening: Daily Readings (Charles Spurgeon—$12.49)
Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (John Piper—$11.99)
The Imitation of Christ (Thomas à Kempis—$7.49)
My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers—$8.99)
Use these to automatically open visual references to places mentioned in the Bible and church history.Logos Bible Maps (3 vols.)
Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History (Thomas Brisco—$26.99)
Atlas of Christian History (Dowley, Rowland—$19.99)
Writing & Research Skills
Use these to learn how to improve your theological writing skills.Writing Theology Well: A Rhetoric for Theological and Biblical Writers, 2nd ed. (Lucretia Yaghjian—$26.99)
Thinking, Reading, and Writing Theologically (3 vols. Eric Barreto—$27.99)
How to Write: A Handbook Based on the English Bible (Charles Baldwin—$7.49)
Writing and Research: A Guide for Theological Students (Kevin Smith—$23.99)
Qualitative Research: A Multi-Methods Approach to Projects for Doctor of Ministry Theses (Tim Sensing—$24.99)
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 11th ed. (Frederick Mish—$24.99)
SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd ed. ($34.99)
Original Language Bibles
Use these with their interlinears to refence the Bible in its original languages.The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (with interlinear—$29.99)
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Morphology (with interlinear—$49.99)
The Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint with Alternate Texts (with interlinear—$55.48)
Original Language Lexicons
Use these to find the meaning of words in the Bible's original languages.A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (James Strong—$12.49)
Theological Lexicon of the New Testament (TLNT 3 vols.—$89.99)
The Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament (Rick Brannan—$29.99)
The Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint (H.B. Swete—$29.99)
Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (James Swanson—$29.99)
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Joseph Henry Thayer—$14.99)
Hebrew and Aramaic
Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament (TLOT 3 vols.—$99.99)
Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah Hoogendyk—$29.99)
Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown, Driver, Briggs—$19.99)
Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (James Swanson—$29.99)
Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Aramaic (James Swanson—$13.99)
Original Language Thesaurus Structured by English Concepts
Lexham Theological Wordbook (Mangum, Brown, Klippenstein—$69.99)
*also listed under Bible Dictionaries
Original Language Grammars
Use these as references to grammatical functions of the original biblical languages (how original languages work).Greek
An Introduction to Biblical Greek: A Grammar with Exercises (John Schwandt—$23.99)
Biblical Greek, Illustrated by Examples (Zerwick, Smith—$19.99)
Mobile Ed: Interactive Greek Alphabet Course (John Schwandt—$39.99)
Learning Biblical Hebrew: Reading for Comprehension: An Introductory Grammar (Kutz, Josberger—$27.99)
Learning Biblical Hebrew Workbook: A Graded Reader with Exercises (Kutz, Josberger—$19.99)
Mobile Ed: Interactive Hebrew Alphabet Course (Mark Futato—$39.99)
Textual Criticism References
Use these references to examine textual options within the manuscript tradition.Apparatus for the Old Testament in Greek According to the Septuagint with Alternate Texts (Henry Barclay Swete—$27.48)
The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible (Loken, Brannan—$24.99)
By the Numbers
Over 1,250 Resources
Over 825 Text Volumes
Over 350 Journal and Periodical Issues
Over 25 Logos Mobile Education Courses
Over $20,000 in total suggested retail prices on all individual resources