AWKNG School of Theology

Dr. Micheal Heiser helped start Redemption Seminary as a founding board member to unlock educational options for non-traditional students. Much of the church doesn’t have the opportunity to learn theology at a graduate level. Mike worked to solve this problem by starting and supporting Redemption Seminary with innovations like these:

  • Affordable (no student debt with all books and materials included)

  • Accessible 100% online (students don’t have to move)

  • Achievable for adults (students work at their own pace without high-stakes exams)

  • World-class recorded course lectures

  • Live 1:1 mentoring with scholars

  • Step-by-step Bible software and research training within each class

  • Relevant and beneficial to current ministry efforts (Grads receive a custom Logos library)

Prior to this effort, he launched the AWKNG School of Theology which is still going strong. There are many unaccredited courses and certificates available through ASOT. Please ask us about transfer credit for the prior learning experiences that can be gained through ASOT and applied toward an accredited master’s degree at Redemption Seminary.