Redemption Seminary

Mentor-professors take time to understand your calling, gifting, and focus to help you grow where the Lord is leading you.


Education Is Different at Redemption Seminary

Browse the impressive custom library included with your tuition.

Browse the impressive custom library included with your tuition.

All-inclusive Access

All required books for the entire program, a digital reference library, and Logos Max are all provided to all students for no additional costs or subscriptions. Redemption is committed to equipping graduates of the MABS program with the resources required in their courses so they can continue to use resources in their ministry.

Learn at Your Own Pace

You can choose to access all of lectures and curriculum for a course before you start mentoring sessions so you can have work through the course material at your own pace according to your schedule and preferred learning pace. You get to choose when you are ready to start meeting with a mentor that you choose for each course.

Learn how you can work at your own pace with access to everything before your first course.

Learn how you can work at your own pace with access to everything before your first course.

Most courses grade you on your personal growth, completed projects using your Logos package, and practice in applying what you learn rather than exams and papers. This is called competency-based education.

Grades are based on your personal growth, completion of workbook exercises using your Logos package, and practice in applying what you learn rather than exams and papers. This is called competency-based education.

Low Stress Learning (No Exams)

Grading is based on progress through short projects and your personal growth. Writing papers with proper footnoting or taking high-stakes exams are not the best instruments for measuring growth in understanding and wisdom. Since you meet individually with a mentor, that mentor can easily assess your progress and provides guidance without having to always rely on written tests and papers. Mentors allow you to demonstrate your growth and progress according to your strengths, which helps keep learning fun and encouraging.

Part of regular assignments and small projects is asking you to consider and demonstrate the impact of your work in your ministry to others. Learning in the information age isn’t so much about learning facts, but learning how to apply knowledge. This skill is practiced and nurtured as a central piece of courses, not left for students to figure out after they graduate. The traditional class format can’t accomplish this, but individualized mentoring is perfectly suited for it.

Non-graded Course Option

For those who aren’t interested in having their work graded, students can choose to take any course without grading (mentoring). There is significant cost savings in choosing this option and a student’s workbook can be used in the future if they choose have their work graded in the future.

You Choose Your Mentors

You choose your mentor for each course. You can stick with the same person or keep mixing it up. This way, you can find the right match for your gifting and your goals. The traditional classroom setting is not designed for building a personal relationship or getting personalized guidance from an expert. This is why Redemption Seminary uses recorded lectures and focuses live interaction on personal one-to-one mentoring for students.

Weekly one-to-one mentor sessions provide regular guidance and direction for applying what you learn from lectures and readings to your life.

Weekly one-to-one mentor sessions provide regular guidance and direction for applying what you learn from lectures and readings to your life.

Take a look at what is included within Redemption Seminary’s custom Logos library.

Take a look at what is included within Redemption Seminary’s custom Logos library.

Your Own Research Library and Bible Software

You get to keep your research library and all courses when you graduate after completing all of the courses in the master’s degree program. As a graduation gift, Redemption Seminary upgrades your personal Logos Bible Software and library to the level and content that you used in your Redemption Program, even if you are a new Logos user.

Every course leverages the tools and resources in the custom Logos library that matches your program. This custom package isn’t merely available for additional research, it plays a central role in every course. You get the training and practice you need to learn how to use the software in your ministry and continued personal growth.


You can learn more about the innovations Redemption Seminary is bringing to theological education in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this website.


Your Church Can Integrate a Master’s Degree within its Adult Education Efforts

You can earn a master’s degree in your local church. Redemption Seminary provides two options for churches and ministries to incorporate academic degrees within their own training and adult education programs. Your church can either use a Redemption program as an external program for its leadership program or incorporate the program into its own (internal) program of small group meetings for adult education.

Redemption courses have two parts, a self-pace part and a mentored part. The self-paced part is where students fill out a workbook (called a course portfolio) answering application questions as they work through video lectures and readings. Churches can created their own groups of people working at their own pace through Redemption course materials within their small groups. This is an auditing approach to Redemption courses. Using their self-paced work, participants can go on to receive mentoring and credentials in Redemption programs if they wish.

If your church is interested in partnering with Redemption Seminary, please contact us to begin discussing the details.