Dr. Bruce Clark

Dr. Bruce Clark (Ph.D.)

Dr. Clark received his PhD from the University of Cambridge (under Simon Gathercole), focusing on the intersection of suffering, mission and Christology in Paul’s letters. A lover of both Hebrew and Greek, his passion is twofold: (i) the humble, prayerful, rigorous interpretation of Scripture and (ii) the hope-filled, wisdom-imparting application of Scripture in a way that both equips today's church and engages contemporary culture. Areas of scholarly interest include: Hebrew and Greek exegesis, Pentateuchal narrative and ethics, the Psalter, Mark's Gospel, the pastoral theology of Paul, political theology, and parenting. A pastor with diverse ministry experiences (young adults, college ministry, cross-cultural missions work, small group ministry, and church revitalization), he has taught courses at Westminster and Covenant seminaries (both online and in person). Two years ago he founded Interpret Consulting to help preachers strengthen their skills in both biblical and cultural exegesis; today he helps pastors (from diverse theological traditions) throughout North America preach to over 17,000 listeners each Sunday (see www.interpretconsulting.net). His greatest love, however, is being both a husband and a father of five adopted kids.