Dr. Coleman Ford
Coleman Ford (Ph.D., Th.M. 2x, M.A.)
Dr. Coleman Ford earned his PhD in Church History and Historical Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he focused on patristic theology, specifically in the work and thought of Augustine of Hippo. He also holds a ThM in Spirituality from Southern Seminary as well as a ThM in Historical Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, writing his thesis on Ambrose of Milan and the pastoral function of his hymnology. He has also done graduate work in the areas of history, philosophy, and humanities. He has taught in classrooms and online at multiple institutions including Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, California Baptist University, and Houston Baptist University.
Dr. Ford was ‘loved’ into the Southern Baptist church after college. He has since served at numerous Baptist churches in the areas of student and discipleship ministry. He continues to preach and teach at various churches. Currently, he and his family are covenant members at The Village Church Denton in Denton, TX. His heart is to see the next generation of ministry leaders fully formed to love the Lord, to seek him with their whole self, and to humbly serve others in order to see the flourishing of the church in the 21st century.
Alongside teaching and mentoring students, Dr. Ford researches and writes in the areas of Augustine of Hippo’s spirituality and pastoral theology, the transcendentals (goodness, truth, beauty) in the patristic tradition, Christianity in late antiquity, and the history of Christian spirituality and formation. He loves spending time with his family, being outdoors, exploring new coffee shops and roasters, and spending time with friends in conversation.