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A Chance of Winning a $100 Discount on Your First Course

Now is a strategic time to start an accredited course from Redemption Seminary. You are eligible for a $20 special for Redemption’s application fee. (The Discount is valid through July.)

The day after the Kerygma conference ends, we will randomly select one winner for every 30 form submissions. The winner will receive a $100 discount on their first course (the discount expires in 12 months).

Learning at your own pace and location from well-known scholars with all the materials is now possible at a fraction of the cost of traditional seminaries. Take a single course or complete an entire accredited master’s program.


Save $1,317
on Every Course

How Redemption saves you half for each 3-Credit Course

Redemption Seminary All Inclusive Pricing — $1,308

Monthly payment plan as low as $327

Typical Seminary Pricing — $2,625

Tuition $700 x 3 credits = $2,100
Tech Fee $225
Books $300