Welcome MP Seminars Community!
Now is a strategic time to take an accredited course from Redemption Seminary. By filling out the inquiry form (below), you are eligible for a $20 scholarship for the onboarding course if you start by the end of the year.
Accredited Logos Centered courses that are:
Redemption Seminary integrates Logos Bible Software in a way that sets it apart. Every course uses Mobile Ed for lectures, while assignments empower students to master Logos for Bible research and learning. After working at your own pace, Redemption provides weekly mentoring to deliver accredited courses without exams. We use conversations instead. After you complete all 10 courses in the MABS program, you keep the Logos resources used in your courses (that you don’t already own), a comprehensive package featuring over 25 Mobile Ed courses.
Learning at your pace and location from well-known scholars with all materials is now possible for a fraction of the cost of traditional seminaries. Sample a single course or complete an entire accredited master’s program. (Learn more on the Degree Page.) Let us know if you are interested in meeting to talk about transfer credit for prior learning with experiences such as Logos Mobile Ed or MP Seminars.
You can get started today by filling out the request information (below). We are happy to send you links to the Student Handbook and Course Catalog.